R. Ilham Sastronegoro
Frontend Engineer | Web Developer
I helped organizations, companies, and government to find their place on The Web.
When I was in middle school, I played with cool Blogger themes, fiddling with WordPress, and exploring AuraCMS, a local-made CMS. Today, I built modern web experiences for local news media, for local gov, and more.
My focus to build simple, fast websites that gets the job done. I worked together with a team of local engineers, not only to bring good digital experiences to life, but also contributing for advancements in our society. I enjoy tinkering with bleeding-edge technologies, e.g using Astro in production even before it hits version 1.0.
Away from my computer, I am involved in social volunteering and youth organizations, among them is at Karang Taruna of Kab. Kotawaringin Timur, at Indonesian National Youth Council (KNPI) of Kalimantan Tengah, and current leader of KAMMI Central Kalimantan.